治未指錄:健康政策與法律論叢 Health Law and Policy Journal |
201701 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 菸品素面包裝必要性之探討 The Necessity of Tobacco Plain Packaging
- 電子煙管制政策之芻議 A Study of Regulatory Policy and Practical Issues on E-Cigarettes
- 環境整體不正義?──從許厝國小遷校案談環境公害的法律侷限 The Limits of Law in Pursuing Environmental Justice—The Case of Relocation of Xucuo Branch Elementary School
- 食品安全在一帶一路的新視野 A New Vision of Food Safty under the Policy of One Belt, One Road
- 食品安全衛生民事責任初探 A Preliminary Study on the Food Safety and Sanitation
- 醫療民事侵權訴訟之舉證責任 The Burden of Proof in Medical Tort Litigation
- 侵權行為致成植物人狀態之餘命計算及賠償 Calculations of Life Expectancy and Compensation for Tort Victims in Persistent Vegetative State
- 台灣「病人自主權利法」對社會中醫病關係之影響與挑戰──比較美國與新加坡經驗 The Influences and Challenges on Physician-Patient Relationship in the Society after Passing the “Patient Self-determination Act” in Taiwan––Comparing Experiences from the U.S. and Singapore
- 日本醫療事故調查新制之研究 A Study of New System for Investigation of Medical Malpractice in Japan
- 中國大陸智慧財產案件審判管轄問題研析 Jurisdiction of the Intellectual Property Rights in Mainland China
- 建立單一醫療糾紛處理機制之研究──台灣經驗 Building a Single Medical Dispute Settlement Mechanism, Taiwan’s Experience