人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
202406 (18:2期)期所有篇 |
- 《太極圖說》「主靜」說之儒家義探討 Discussion of Confucianism Meaning Annotations to Taijitu“Holding Tranquility”
- 宋人筆記中字樣辨似研究:以《履齋示兒編》「字說」為論 A Study of Chinese Character Glyph Differentiation: Taking Lu Zhai Shi Er Bian from Sketches of the Song Dynasty as Example
- 「動靜」範疇之典範革新:從《周易》、《中庸》到濂溪〈太極圖說〉再到丹溪《格致餘論》 Paradigm Shift of the Concept“Movement and Stillness”from Zhouyi and Zhongyong to Zhou Dun-Yi's Explanation of the Tai-Ji Diagram to Zhu Dan-Xi's Ge-Zhi Theory