人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
202312 (17:4期)期所有篇 |
- 從人工智慧到人造社會性:一個新社會分析學概觀 From Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Sociality: Outlooks for a New Social Analytics
- 臺灣民眾對人工智慧的態度及其影響因素 Attitudes and Its Influential Factors of Taiwanese People towards Artificial Intelligence
- 後人類處境的新異化問題:自我追蹤科技與竄寫主體 The New Alienation in the Posthuman Condition: The Self-tracking Technologies and the Interpolation of Subjects
- 失眠曲:以現象學之眼聆聽輾轉白夜 Insomniac Nocturnes: A Phenomenological Disclosure on the Toss and Turns