人文社會科學研究 NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research |
202006 (14:2期)期所有篇 |
- 活動熱情、遊憩專門化與心流體驗關係之研究:以山溪釣者為例 A Study on the Relationship Among Passion, Recreation Specialization and Flow Experience: Using Mountain Stream Anglers as an Example
- 「面向臺灣」的影像生產:阮金紅新移民紀錄片的母國觀點與雙向對話錄 Toward Taiwan: Viewpoint of Homeland and Two-way Communication in Nguyen Kim Hong's Documentary Filmmaking on Southeast Asian Immigrants
- 災難、階級、性別:勞動階級女性重傷者及其家庭的高雄氣爆經驗 Disaster, Class and Gender: Working Class Women and Family in the Kaohsiung Gas Explosion
- 2016年總統選舉桃竹苗客家/非客家選民支持蔡英文的因素比較 A Comparison of Factors Leading to Hakka/Non-Hakka Voters' Support of Tsai Ing-wen in Taoyuan, Hsinchu and Miaoli in the 2016 Presidential Election