學校衛生 Chinese Journal of School Health |
201612 (69期)期所有篇 |
- 全民健保議題國小學生認知與行為現況分析 The analysis of elementary students’ National Health Insurance knowledge and behavior: Yunlin County as an example
- 台灣西部沿海鄉村地區國中青少年吸菸行為及其相關因素之探討──以某國中學生為例 Cigarette smoking behavior and the related factors for adolescents on one junior high school in coastal rural area, Western Taiwan
- 學習障礙學童「性知識教育」學習效果之研究 The learning effect of sexuality-knowledge-education for students with learning disabilities
- 國小學生吸菸行為之質性研究:以桃園某國小為例 A qualitative study on elementary school students’ smoking behavior
- 臺灣某國小學生正確用藥教育介入成效之探討 Effectiveness of correct medication education among elementary school students in Taiwan