臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
201106 (10:1期)期所有篇 |
- 國際海上貨物運送人責任的變革與趨勢:從海牙到鹿特丹 The Changes and Trends of International Sea Carrier's Liability: From Hague to Rotterdam
- 論海洋污染立法中船舶污染之狀態責任與刑事責任 Discussing the Criminal Responsibility and the Responsibility that Arises from the Condition of the Property Relating to the Pollution from Ships in the Enactory Law of Pollution of the Sea
- 海洋治理——以美國、加拿大及澳洲為例 Ocean Governance—Lessons learned from the United States, Canada and Australia