經濟研究 Taipei Economic Inquiry |
201401 (50:1期)期所有篇 |
- 以分量迴歸探討中國廠商研發與外溢效果對內銷比例之影響 The Effects of R&D and Spillovers on the Domestic Sales Ratio - A Case Study of Manufacturing Firms Operating in China
- 隱含處份效果之價值函數 A Revised Value Function to Connote the Disposition Effect
- 健康風險認知、減重需求與其願付價值 Health Risk Perception, Demand, and Willingness to Pay for Weight Reduction
- 應用隨機邊界模型探討收斂假說--兼論人力資本、金融發展與經濟成長之關係 Applying the Stochastic Frontier Model to Test the Convergence Hypothesis: The Interrelationships among Human Capital, Financial Development, and Economic Growth