202403 (2024:2期)期所有篇 |
- 人臉識別技術濫用行為刑法規制的頂層設計 The Top-Level Design of Criminal Law Regulation on the Abuse of Facial Recognition Technology
- 健康醫療數據的刑法類型化保護模式研究 Research on Criminal Law Typologization Protection Mode of Health and Medical Data
- 論我國《民法典》中占有的內涵與體系效應 On the Connotation and Systematic Effects of Possession in China's Civil Code
- 效力體系視角下的法律行為成立理論構建 The Construction of the Theory of Existence of Legal Transaction from the Perspective of Effectiveness System
- 違反規範性文件合同效力判定的動態系統論 Dynamic Systematics for Determining the Validity of Contracts in Violation of Normative Documents
- 平台封禁的反不正當競爭法應對——以《反不正當競爭法》的修訂為背景 The Regulation on Platform Blocking by the Law against Unfair Competition——In the Background of the Revision of the Law against Unfair Competition
- 論數據獲取型不正當競爭事例的規範構成 On the Normative Formulation of Unfair Competition Clauses on Data Acquisition
- 數字時代的智能化適老服務:法理基礎與制度保障 Intelligent Aging Services in the Digital Age: Legal Foundations and Institutional Safeguards
- 論會計師事務所證券虛假陳述的連帶責任 On the Joint Liability of Securities False Statements of Accounting Firms
- 碳信用法律屬性界定及其對自願減排市場司法保障的啟示 Definition of Legal Attribute of Carbon Credit and its Implications for the Judicial Protection of Voluntary Emission Reduction Market
- 網絡犯罪國際公約中的跨境調取數據條款 The Clause of Cross-Border Data Retrieval in International Conventions on Cybercrime
- 供應鏈盡責理念影響下的國際投資條約中的勞工條款:國際實踐與中國對策 The Impact of Supply Chain Due Diligence on Labor Provisions in International Investment Agreements: Global Practice and China's Response
- 割股療親:傳統中國盡孝中的自殘身體及其法律規訓 Curing Relatives by Cutting Meat: Self Mutilation in Traditional Chinese Filial Piety and its Legal Discipline