國立中正大學法學集刊 National Chung Cheng University Law Journal |
201907 (64期)期所有篇 |
- 論美國法上公民適格性及國籍授與法理──兼評川普移民政策 Worthiness for Citizenship and Principles of Citizenship under U.S. Law: Commentaries on Trump's Immigration Policies
- 不動產借名登記契約有效性的檢討 A Review of Validity of the Contracts of Borrowing Other's Name for Real Estate Registration
- 從瑕疵理論看我國凶宅與食品安全衛生問題 Application of Sale Defective Theory in Haunted House and Food
- 建構以「系統障礙排除」為目的之「新刑事司法轉向機制」──以日本「醫療事故調查制度」為考察起點 Constructing a "New Criminal Justice Diversion Mechanism" for the Purpose of "System Barrier Elimination": Taking Japan's "Medical Accident Investigation System" in 2014 as a Starting Point