數位著作授權與合理傳輸--論權利耗盡原則的新時代意義 Licensing and Reasonable Transmission of Digitize Works - Epochal Application of the Exhaustion Doctrine
疾病管制署採購愛滋治療之學名藥與專利侵權風險 AIDS Medicine Purchase by the Centers for Disease Control and the Risk of Patent Infringement
泰國博物館難以為繼之困境與智慧財產權管理:從類比到數位以及美國法的啟示 The Problem of Unsustainability in Thai museums and Intellectual Property Rights Management: From Analog to Digital and the Lessons from the US
資料專屬權與專利保護制度之競合:以美國藥品上市法制為中心 The Coopetition between Data Exclusivity System and Patent System-Focusing on American Law