《唐律疏議》「援經入律」之實況及其功能 Analysis of the Function of legal reference of Confucian Classics in “Tang Ley Su Yi”
《明律》縱囚條文規範與社會現象──兼論「縱囚論」的議論與反思 The Discussion on the Illegal Releasing of Prisoners in The Great Ming Code and Ming Society
雞姦為何為姦?──清代雞姦罪立法演變及其特殊性(1740-1911) Why and How jijian Became a Sex Crime under the Qing: The Particularity of Its Criminalization and Sexualization in the Legislation (1740-1911)
清代中央繫獄諸神考 The Gods in Goal: An Examination of the Deities Enshrined in Imperial Prisons of the Qing Dynasty