人文及社會科學集刊 Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy |
202312 (35:4期)期所有篇 |
- 歐洲臺灣移民新冠肺炎(COVID–19)前/後微歧視生活經驗與因應策略之初探 Taiwanese Immigrants’ Experiences of Microaggressions in Europe, and Coping Strategies Adopted before and after the COVID–19 Pandemic
- 偏鄉疫情危機與社群動員:阿里山鄉個案分析 Covid–19 Pandemic and Community Mobilization in a Rural Region: A Case Study of Alishan Township
- 做乳房:醫療論述與乳癌病患的身體經驗 Making the Breast: Medical Discourse and Bodily Experiences of Breast Cancer Patients
- 在臺藏人移動創傷與社會工作介入之難題 Tibetans in Taiwan: Struggles with Immigrant Trauma and Social Work Intervention
- 初探客家族群的社會脈絡、交叉網絡與投票行為:以2020年臺灣總統選舉為例 A Preliminary Study on the Social Context, Cross-Networking and Voting Behavior of the Hakka Group: The Case of Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election