人文及社會科學集刊 Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy |
202109 (33:3期)期所有篇 |
- 新聞情緒指標與臺灣加權股價指數之關係 Relationship between News Sentiment Indicator and the Taiwan Weighted Stock Index
- 策略性環境企業社會責任與民營化中立性定理 Strategic Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility and the Privatization Neutrality Theorem
- 魯凱族的道德經濟:社會組織、傳統農耕與災害應對 The Moral Economy of Rukai Society: Social Organization, Traditional Agriculture, and Natural Hazards Prevention
- 政治自由主義之悖論與馬丁路德神學之當代意義 The Paradox of Political Liberalism and the Relevance of Martin Luther
- 政治爭議與公共理性自由主義的方案 Political Disagreements and a Proposal of Public Reason Liberalism