人文及社會科學集刊 Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy |
202012 (32:4期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣縣市別長照需求之中長期推計及趨勢分析 Regional Projections and Trend Analysis of Long-Term Care Needs for Taiwan's Elderly
- 印度在美中互動的槓桿角色 India's Leverage in US-China Interactions
- 明治日本的「自由帝國主義」與臺灣統治論:從福澤諭吉到竹越與三郎 “Liberal Imperialism” in Meiji Japan and the Discourses of Taiwan under Japanese Rule: From Fukuzawa Yukichi to Takekoshi Yosaburō
- 什麼是「障礙研究」?英美的理論發展、建制化與臺灣本土化歷程 Defining Disability Studies: The Development of Disability Studies in UK and US and the Localization Process in Taiwan