犯罪與刑事司法研究 Crime and Criminal Justice International
201607 (25期)期所有篇
以泰勒攻擊作業及腦波檢視青少年暴力行為神經機制 Using the Taylor Aggression Paradigm and Event-Related Potentials to Examine the Neural Mechanisms of Adolescent Aggressive Behavior
人民參與刑事審判中素人與專業的認知調查之研究:臺灣嘉義地院六場模擬法庭實證研究的若干發現 Perceptions of Lay Participation in Criminal Trials between Laypersons and Professionals: Findings from Six Mock Trials in Chia-Yi District Court in Taiwan
民眾對治安滿意度、對犯罪報導量認知與重刑態度之關係 Public Views on Public Safety Satisfaction, Crime News Coverage and Punitiveness