由生命末期照護需求看病人自主權利法 Examining Patient Right to Autonomy Act from the perspective of end-of-life care needs
建構「資訊驅動的病人為中心照護」:一個台灣新模式的倡議 Building information-driven patient-centered care: an initiative of a new Taiwanese mode
探索口腔健康與骨密度關係──環口X光片在成人的應用 Exploring the relationship between oral health and bone density: utilizing panoramic radiography in adults
十大死因排序:兩種分類表比較 Ranks of the 10 leading causes of death: a comparison of two lists
以項目反應理論協助發展,簡版慢性疾病生活品質量表 Developing an abbreviated WHOQOL-BREF for patients with major chronic diseases with the assistance of Item Response Theory (IRT)
新冠肺炎大流行期間「不同時期」對國中生身體活動及睡眠之影響 Variations in physical activity and sleep patterns among junior high students across COVID-19 pandemic phases
誰是受害人?台灣數位親密關係暴力的群體特性與暴力特性 Who is the victim? Demographic characteristics and violence patterns associated with digital intimate partner violence in Taiwan
調整後台灣新生兒死亡率:國際與國內縣市比較 Adjusted neonatal mortality rates in Taiwan: international and domestic comparisons
評論:降低台灣新生兒死亡率──不只是調整活產的認定及收錄標準即可! Commentary: adjusting the criteria of live birth registration is not enough to decrease neonatal mortality in Taiwan
評論:調整後台灣新生兒死亡率:國際與國內縣市比較 Commentary: adjusted neonatal mortality rates in Taiwan: international and domestic comparisons
作者回覆:降低台灣新生兒死亡率──標準化死亡率後,還要有系統蒐相關資料與分析! Authorsʼresponse to commentary: reducing neonatal mortality rates in Taiwan: after the adjustment of neonatal mortality rates, we need to collect and analyze relevant data systemically