台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
202212 (41:6期)期所有篇 |
- 滾動調整2025年C肝消除治療目標數 Towards HCV elimination by 2025: rolling update of the estimated number of persons with chronic HCV infection
- 新冠狀疫情下新住民小組的成立與運作之觀察與反思 The reflection on the establishment and operation of the new immigrant taskforce during the COVID-19 pandemic
- 簡介價值基礎的健康照護及其對台灣的啟示 Value-based healthcare in Taiwan
- 台灣勞工發生急性心肌梗塞後工作狀態與影響因素探討 The employment status and related factors of Taiwanese workers after acute myocardial infarction
- 誤導資訊介入對電子煙態度之影響:台灣吸菸族群之隨機分派實驗 Effects of misinformation on smokers’attitudes toward e-cigarettes: a randomized control trial in Taiwan
- 比較靜態與動態人口資料應用於新冠肺炎熱區之預測能力 Comparing the performance between static and dynamic populations in COVID-19 hotspot prediction
- 新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)流行初期每日確診人數趨勢型態及相關因子分析──世界各國開放資料研究 Trends and factors associated with daily number of new cases of COVID-19 in the early stage of the pandemic: a worldwide open-data study
- 台灣成年民眾室內空氣污染健康識能不足者之特性研究 Characteristics of Taiwanese adults with inadequate indoor air pollution health literacy
- 縣市層級含糖飲料社會規範與青少年含糖飲料攝取習慣關係之多階層研究 Association between the social norm toward sugar sweetened beverages at the county level and the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages among adolescents: a multilevel analysis
- 新型冠狀肺炎疫情下健保重大政策及滿意度之探討 Major National Health Insurance policies in Taiwan and residents’satisfaction with them during the COVID-19 pandemic