台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
202208 (41:4期)期所有篇 |
- 牙周病防治之現況與策略建議 Current status and strategies on the management of periodontal disease
- 英國公共衛生專家制度與我國公衛師制度差異之探討 The difference between registration public health in England and Public Health Specialists Act in Taiwan
- 為什麼COVID-19確診者死亡數不等於原死因是COVID-19死亡數? Why the number of deaths with COVID-19 differed from number of deaths from COVID-19?
- 生理、認知、社會衰弱、及多面向衰弱之文獻回顧 Literature review of physical, cognitive, social, and multidimensional frailty
- 台灣藥品給付協議實施特性分析 Characteristics of the implementation of managed entry agreements for drug reimbursement in Taiwan
- 評論:台灣藥品給付協議實施特性分析 Commentary: characteristics of the implementation of managed entry agreements for drug reimbursement in Taiwan
- 醫院評鑑等級與醫療品質相關性之探討──以醫療品質資訊公開指標為例 Association between hospital accreditation level and publicly reported indicators of healthcare quality
- 台灣飲用酒精飲料盛行率與其相關疾病之醫療費用 Physical health, mental health, and social engagement in relation to awareness of and willingness to utilize Long-Term Care 2.0 Services among middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan: latent class analysis
- 台灣中老年人身心健康及社交參與之潛在類別與長期照護2.0服務認知與使用意願 Physical health, mental health, and social engagement in relation to awareness of and willingness to utilize Long-Term Care 2.0 Services among middle-aged and older adults in Taiwan: latent class analysis
- 以字詞分析取向探討台灣新冠肺炎防疫工作主事者之心理特性 Applying a linguistic approach to examination of the psychological process of Taiwan's primary leaders in the fight against Covid-19
- 疫苗猶豫與風險溝通之必要:對照長者與慢性病族群經驗 Vaccine hesitancy and risk communication: experiences among older adults and patients with chronic diseases
- 台灣青少年在COVID-19疫情的孤寂感與情緒困擾現況之調查 The investigation of the status quo of loneliness and psychological distress of Taiwanese adolescents during the COVID-19 epidemic