全球疾病負擔研究中的健康照護品質排名——以慢性腎臟病為例 Ranking of healthcare access and quality in the Global Burden of Disease Study - a closer look at the situation of chronic kidney disease in Taiwan
照護連續性議題的省思與未來發展方向 Re-thinking continuity of care and future directions
高齡者久坐行為與健康之文獻回顧 A review of sedentary behavior and health in older adults
台灣年輕群體之裂孔性視網膜剝離發生率與眼球共病 Incidence and ocular comorbidities of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment among younger people in Taiwan
台灣社區老人手部握力相關因素的探討——台灣南部社區民眾複合式健檢資料的分析研究 Study on related factors of grip strength: integrated physical examination analysis of community-dwelling adults in southern Taiwan
失智症家庭使用長期照顧服務的情形與不使用的原因 Long-term care services use and reasons for non-use by elders with dementia and their families
兒童風濕疾病及其醫療利用與罹癌風險之探討 A population-based cohort study of the risk of cancer in children with rheumatic disease and their precancerous medical utilization
經濟弱勢兒童之多重飲食行為軌跡:以早餐、蔬果及零食飲料為例 Multiple dietary behavior trajectories among economically disadvantaged children: an example of breakfast, fruits and vegetables, and snacks and beverages