台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201606 (35:3期)期所有篇 |
- 以論人計酬制度提供矯正機關收容人之健康照護芻議 A capitation system for providing health care service to inmates in the correctional institution in Taiwan - a proposal
- 論我國生物醫學研究者利益衝突管制--以研究者利益衝突之揭露制度為中心 Regulation of biomedical researchers' conflict of interest in Taiwan with a focus on the disclosure of conflict of interest by the researchers
- 從美國爽身粉訴訟判決,看台灣化妝品滑石與石綿暴露的健康風險 From the baby power litigation in the United States to the potential health risks of talc-based cosmetic products and asbestos exposures in Taiwan
- 以整合照護指引與文獻回顧為基礎的老年人慢性便秘非藥物照護建議 Non-pharmacologic care for chronic constipation in the elderly based on intergraded guidelines and literature review
- 台灣縣市兒童貧窮與死率之關係:1980-2009年 Region-specific child poverty and child mortality in Taiwan: 1980-2009
- 實施全民健康保險住院診斷關聯群支付制度對醫療機構之影響 Impact of DRG-based payments on health care providers
- 運用決策樹技術探討基層診所門診量之影響因素 Analysis of outpatient visits to primary care clinics and its influencing factors using a decision tree model
- 部立醫院行政法人化之芻議 The transition to non-departmental public bodies -- a preliminary study of hospitals affiliated with Taiwan's Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW)
- 外籍看護與家庭照顧者對接受居家照顧老人住院與死亡風險之差異 Differences between foreign care workers and family caregivers in risk of hospitalization and mortality among home care elders in Taiwan
- 父母的社經地位對兒童的自覺健康、身高與BMI指數的影響 Effects of parental socioeconomic status on child self-reported health, height, and BMI
- 評論:父母的社經地位與兒童健康指標間之非階層性效果 Commentary: non-gradient effect between parental socioeconomic status and children's health indicators
- 作者回覆:父母的社經地位與兒童健康指標間之非階層性效果 Authors' response to commentary: non-gradient effect between parental socioeconomic status and children's health indicators
- 以21世紀風險矩陣評估國人DDT花茶之潛在健康風險 A RISK21 matrix for assessing the potential health risk of DDT from flower tea in Taiwan