我「嘉」廟埕開講:在暗瞑中找尋健康促進的新契機 Chatting in front of the temple in Chia-Yi: seeking the new opportunity of health promotion at night
健康保險道德風險的理解與誤解 Understanding and misunderstanding moral hazard in health insurance
醫院品質報告卡之風險校正 Risk adjustment for hospital report cards
照顧服務員分級可行性之探討 The practicability of care worker classification
探討不安全感與健康意識程度對健康預防行為之影響 Do you feel insecure? Influence of health consciousness on the relationship between existential insecurity and health prevention
評估地區相對極端氣溫的天氣型態對台灣七大空品區居民健康之影響--以腦血管疾病及缺血性心臟病為例 Impact of area-specific temperature extremes on health outcomes in seven regions in Taiwan - using cerebrovascular and ischemic heart diseases as examples
評論:評估地區相對極端氣溫的天氣型態對台灣七大空品區居民健康之影響--以腦血管疾病及缺血性心臟病為例 Commentary: impact of area-specific temperature extremes on health outcomes in seven regions in Taiwan - using cerebrovascular and ischemic heart diseases as examples
花蓮地區長期照顧家庭主要照顧者時間貨幣價值之探討--福康評估法之應用 Monetary valuation of primary family caregivers for long-term-care in Hualien: application of the Well-being Valuation Method
殺蟲劑應用於登革熱防疫之成本效用分析:以高雄市為例 Cost effectiveness of insecticide spraying for dengue epidemic control in Kaohsiung City
長短期失能個案居家物理治療服務利用與療效--以台北都會區為例 Utilization and outcomes of home-based physical therapy for long- and short-term disability clients based on an analysis of Taipei city residents