台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201510 (34:5期)期所有篇 |
- 我國菸害防制政策制定的政治分析 Political perspective analysis of Taiwan’s tobacco control policy
- 台灣地區論人計酬試辦計畫之評估——以醫院忠誠病人模式為例 Evaluation of the capitation payment pilot program in Taiwan - using the hospital’s loyal patient model as an example
- 台灣髖部骨折病人手術失敗率之分析——以人口為基礎的世代研究 The surgical failure rates for the patients with hip fractures in Taiwan — a nationwide population-based cohort study
- 請不要看到我的“缺口”:口腔癌患者罹癌歷程與因應之探討 Please do not look at “my mouth”: the process of seeking health care by patients with oral cancer and their coping strategies
- 台灣青少年吸菸及家庭二手菸暴露相關影響因素及菸害防制新法效益之探討 The risk factors related to smoking behavior and secondhand smoke exposure among adolescents after implementation of the 2009 Taiwan Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act
- 劑量與效應反應的統合分析之應用:以血糖值與牙周病間的關係為例 Application of dose-response meta-analysis to the relation between glucose and periodontal disease
- 台灣毒劇藥品相關法令及管理改進芻議 An initiative to amend the regulation and management of poisons and dangerous drugs in Taiwan
- 食品安全——事件觀、系統觀 Food safety – viewpoints from issues and systems