過勞職災的認定爭議與政策因應:日本經驗對台灣的啟示 Disputes and policy responses concerning the hazards of overwork and workers' compensation: experiences in Japan and their implications for Taiwan
台灣阿茲海默症病人確診前的門診醫療利用 The utilization of ambulatory care services before the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in Taiwan
財務誘因與台灣區域醫院醫師服務績效之跨層次分析 A multievel analysis of financial incentives and physician performance in Taiwan's regional hospitals
利用地區差異與人口學特徵評估全民健保資料庫人口居住地變項之推估原則 Using regional differences and demographic characteristics to evaluate the principles of estimation of the residence of the population in National Health Insurance Research Databases (NHIRD)
血液透析之末期腎病併多重器官衰竭之病人,退出血液透析的影響因素探討——質性比較分析法 What makes doctors suggest withholding hemodialysis treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease and multiple organ failure?A qualitative comparative analysis
台灣地區已婚婦女非計畫懷孕情形及其相關因素分析 Factors associated with unplanned pregnancy among married women in Taiwan
病人安全氣候、文化研究中測量等值性問題的檢視:本質、影響、檢測程序與補救 Measurement equivalence / invariance in the climate and culture of patient safety research: its nature, effects, test procedures, and remedies