198606 (31:1期)期所有篇 |
- 構成臺灣水韮球莖維管組織之細胞 Components of Vascular Tissue In The Corm of Isoetes Taiwanensis
- 臺灣水韮的雌性配子體發育 The Development of The Female Gametophyte In Isoetes Taiwanensis Devol
- 臺北市南港區兩年間空中花粉之研究 Two-Year Investigation of The Airborne Pollen At Nankang, Taipei (Taiwan)
- 臺灣海桐屬莖葉之解剖研究在生態上之含義 Anatomical Study of Leaf and Stem of Formosan Pittosporum, As An Ecological Implication
- 臺灣內生菌科之調查(一)——溪頭地區孟宗竹林內生菌科之調查 The Endogonaceae of Taiwan I. A Preliminary Investigation on Endogonaceae of Bamboo Vegetation At Chi-Tou Areas, Central Taiwan
- 臺灣之夾竹桃科植物(1)──訂正 The Apocynaceae of Taiwan(1) A Taxonomic Revision
- 利用超薄片法及冰蝕法印證煙草原生質體的超微構造 Complementary Studies of Tobacco Protoplast With Freeze-Fracture and Thin Section Techniques
- 臺灣禾草之資料系統(I):標本採集資料之處理 A Data System for Taiwanese Grass Species (Part I): Specimen Label Data Storage and Retrieval