文化的可譯性與不可譯性 To translate or not? There is a culture problem
你家的「母老虎」和我家的「龍」——中文及德文裡運用動物為喻之文化內涵對比與翻譯 “Female Tigers” vs. “Dragons”: Cultural Entailment & Language Translation with a View to Animal Metaphors in Mandarin Chinese and German
論譯介韓國傳統文化時中國宗教詞彙的借用問題——以韓國薩滿教之巫花為例 An Introduction and Interpretation of Korean ’Traditional Culture Tranformed from Chinese Religious Terms ─Focusing on “Shaman Flowers” in Korean Shamanism─
偵探小說英漢翻譯策略之跨文化研究 Detective Fictions: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Translation Strategy