國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 Journal of Building and Planning |
201106 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 歷史變局下的台灣永續規劃與設計專業教育─對建城所發展方向及課程的建議 Taiwan's Professional Education in Sustainable Planning and Design under the Historical Changes: Some Suggestions on Future Development and Curriculum Reform for the Institute of Building and Planning, NTU
- 卅年回首,反省向前--對台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所的一個批判性回顧與展望 A Reflexive Note on the 30th Anniversary of National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Building and Planning: A Critical Retrospect Plus Its Future Prospects
- 建築形式回歸人文--身體的學院實驗:華梵建築空間教育實踐經驗反思(1990~2000年代初) An Academic Experiment of the Humanistic-bodily Return of Architectural Form: Reflecting on the Spatial-educational Practice of the Architectural Department of Huafan University (1990-E2000s)
- 建築史在西方與中國專業學院中的定位--從十八世紀迄今 Architectural History in Western and Chinese Professional Schools, from the Eighteenth Century to the Present
- 地綠天藍:邁向二十一世紀全球大學的地景專業通才教育 Land Blue and Green: Toward a 'Landscape Generalist' Education at a Global University in the 21st Century