交易成本、權力不均與政治過程--對台灣工業區污染抗爭的分析 Transaction Costs, Power Imbalance and Political Process-An Analysis of Environmental Dispute of Industrial Park in Taiwan
審美層次與恢復:以中國美學建構的恢復理論 Aesthetic Level and Restoration: The Restoration Theory Constructed by Chinese Aesthetics
臺灣望樓建築形制與轉化之研究:外來政權與原住民相對應之邊防建築 The Transformation of Watchtower Buliding in Taiwan: Border Architecture between Alien Regime and Oborigines
對台灣當前工業遺產保存的初期觀察:一點批判性反思 A Preliminary Observation on the Conservation of Industrial Heritage in Taiwan: A Critical Reflection
評介歐門汀葛爾的《規劃理論》:現代主義到後現代主義的跨界對話 A Criticism for Allmendinger's Planning Theory: Dialogues between Modernism and Postmodernism