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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Aesthetic Level and Restoration: The Restoration Theory Constructed by Chinese Aesthetics |
作者 |
游苑偉、曾昭旭、凌德麟、張育森 |
中文摘要 |
本文以中國美學為基礎,建構「審美層次與恢復」理論,來詮釋環境的恢復效果。理論認為表層審美停留在快感的層次,只具有短暫緩解感官疲勞的效果,是目前恢復效果在實證研究上遭遇界限的原因;真正具有心智能力提昇功效的恢復效果,必須要靠人的主動參與,且達成深層審美體驗時才能得到。本研究並以大學生為受測者,檢驗非園藝及園藝背景學生之植栽偏好與個人特質焦慮的關係。結果非園藝背景組,植栽偏好與特質焦慮沒有相關性存在,然而園藝背景組則呈現負相關(r=-.385, p≦.01),且其中不同的植栽偏好之間,存在顯著的特質焦慮差異(p≦.01)。結果顯示園藝背景的學生與植栽有進一步接觸,才有得到深層審美體驗的可能性,初步證實審美層次恢復理論的主張。 |
英文摘要 |
This study established the ”Aesthetic Level and Restoration” theory based on Chinese Aesthetics. The author claimed that superficial appreciation of beauty is only a pleasant sensation with the temporary remising effect of sensual fatigue. This is why researchers of restorative effects could not have breakthrough findings in empirical studies. The true restorative effects with the function of advancing mental abilities will be gained by the person who actively participates in the process and deeply experiences the aesthetic feelings.The subjects in this study are college students. This study tested the correlation of vegetation preference and trait anxiety of students with horticulture background and non-horticulture background. The results showed that there was no correlation between vegetation preference and trait anxiety in the group of non-horticulture background. However, there was a significant negative correlation (r=-.385, p≤.01) in the group of horticulture background. Moreover, in this group of horticulture there were significant differences (p≤.01) among the different subgroups of vegetation preference. The preliminary empirical results supported the Aesthetic Level and Restoration theory. |
起訖頁 |
33-43 |
關鍵詞 |
恢復效果、景觀美學、中國美學、特質焦慮、壓力、Restorative effect、landscape aesthetics、Chinese Aesthetics、trait anxiety、stress |
刊名 |
國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報 |
期數 |
200603 (13期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
交易成本、權力不均與政治過程--對台灣工業區污染抗爭的分析 |
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