中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology |
201206 (54:2期)期所有篇 |
- 尋求再保證:憂鬱的人際互動模式與中文版尋求再保證量表之編製研究 Reassurance-Seeking: Interpersonal Model of Depression and Psychometric Validation of the Chinese Reassurance Seeking Scale in Taiwan
- 親職行為在父母衝突與兒童適應問題之間的關係探討 Associations among Interparental Conflict, Parenting Behavior, and Children's Adjustment
- 社會焦慮者的自傳式記憶:敘事內容與記憶清晰度的分析 Autobiographical Memory in Social Anxiety: Analyses of Memory Narratives and Vividness
- 中文版「語文探索與字詞計算」詞典之建立 The Development of the Chinese Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Dictionary
- 權力基礎理論:權力定義與權力增生性 An Introduction of Power Basis Theory: Definition of Power and Fungibility
- 破冰之旅--虛性和諧友誼中的情緒分享及其影響 A Journey to Icebreaking: Emotion Sharing and Its Effect on Superficial Harmony Friendship
- C-CAT2:中文正體與簡體字、構字部件及鄰近字分析軟體 C-CAT2: A Computer Software Used to Analyze Traditional and Simplified Chinese Characters, Character Components and Neighbors
- 探討知覺負荷量對於干擾圖臉處理的影響 The Effect of Perceptual Load on the Processing of a Distracting Schematic Face