201512 (61:4期)期所有篇 |
- 抽穗時割葉處理對‘寶島’蕉果實生長與品質之影響 Effects of Leaf Removal at Flowering Stage on Development and Quality of 'Formosana' Banana
- 石斑魚虹彩病毒主要外鞘蛋白質基因轉殖至萵苣之研究 Studies on the Gene of Major Capsid Protein of Grouper Iridovirus Transferred into Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
- 光強度與苯濃度對‘娃娃’朱蕉移除苯與二氧化碳之影響 Effect of Light lntensity and Benzene Concentrationon on Removal of Benzene and Carbon Dioxide by Cordyline terminalis 'Baby Doll'
- 介質體積含水量對夏秋季花壇植物生長與光合作用之影響 Effects of Volumetric Water Content on Growth and Photosynthesis of Summer-Autumn Flowering Bedding Plants
- 園藝治療活動對於舒緩護理人員工作壓力及促進福祉之成效 Effects of Horticultural Therapy Activity Programme for Alleviating Work-Related Stress and Improving Well-Being of Nursing Staff