柑桔枯枝處理與黑點病之發生 Effect of Citrus Dead Twig Treatments on Melanose Incidence
蘆筍莖枯菌腐生力之研究 Study on Saprophytic Activity of Phoma asparagi Sacc.
金花石蒜之鱗片組織培養繁殖 Tissue Culture Propagation of Bulb-Scale of Lycoris aurea Herb.
下水道污泥對矮牽牛、非洲鳳仙花、一串紅和花煙草小苗生長與礦物成分之影響 Effect of Sewage Sludge on Growth and Mineral Composition in Petunia, Impatiens, Salvia and Flowering Tobacco Seedlings
二氯化碳與石灰懸浮液對柿果脫澀、軟化與乙烯產生之比較 Comparisons of Carbon Dioxide and Calcium oxide Suspension on Deastringency, Softening and Ethylene Production of Persimmon Fruits