國立屏東大學學報:教育類 Journal of National Pingtung University. Education |
202104 (5期)期所有篇 |
- 學齡前兒童家長對使用互動式多媒體童書學習成效之期望研究 A Study on Parents' Expectations towards Preschoolers' Learning Effectiveness of Interactive Multimedia Children's Books
- 從教科書內容分析展望素養導向的課程實踐:以十二年國民基本教育一年級數學教科書為例 Expectations of Literacy-Based Curriculum from the Analysis of Textbook Content: First Grade Mathematics Textbooks for the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum
- 合作學習經驗之學習遷移探討——以國中地理教學為例 Research on Learning Transfer Via Cooperative Learning Experiences: Teaching Geography at Junior High School
- 部件意義化識字教學對國小學習障礙學生識字讀寫能力之影響 The Effect of Semantic Radical Instruction on Literacy of Students with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Schools