矯政 Journal of Corrections |
202001 (9:1期)期所有篇 |
- 由刑罰目的探討累犯加重刑罰之正當性 The Legitimacy of Imposing Harsher Punishments on Recidivists under the Purposes of Criminal Punishment
- 成年假釋人再犯及其風險因子之縱貫性研究 Longitudinal Research on Adult Parolees' Recidivism and Inuential Factors
- 責任能力調查與監護處分執行現況之探討 Exploring the Present Situation about Investigating Criminal Responsibility and the Enforcement of Rehabilitative Measures
- 美國「監獄訴訟改革法」:抑制受刑人利用司法救濟對監獄行政機關進行濫訴之探討 The Prison Litigation Reform Act: Restrict Frivolous Litigation by Prisoners
- 藥物濫用的潛藏危機--從注意力、記憶力的功能減損到輕度認知障礙症 The potential crisis of drug addicts: Attention-deficit, working memory dysfunction and mild cognitive impairment disorder
- 我國科技設備監控之發展回顧與未來展望 Retrospect and Prospect of Electronic Monitoring of Sexual Oenders in Taiwan