教學實踐與創新 Journal of Teaching Practice and Pedagogical Innovation |
202406 (7:1期)期所有篇 |
- 自編經典寫作教材對文學類寫作之寫作意願與成效影響 Influence of Self-Designed Classical Writing Teaching Materials on the Writing Intentions and Outcomes of Literary Writing
- 正念融入情緒心理學的教學實踐與省思 Integrating Mindfulness into Emotion Psychology: Teaching Practice and Reflection
- 服務學習融入身心障礙社會工作課程之教學實踐研究 Teaching Practice Through Disability Social Work Curriculum with Service Learning
- 將行動學習應用於建築風水學之教學成效 Teaching Performance of Mobile Learning in Architectural Feng Shui