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Teaching Practice Through Disability Social Work Curriculum with Service Learning
作者 陳美智 (Mei-Chih Chen)
In this study, a teaching strategy involving service learning rather than unilateral teaching and indoctrination was employed to guide students through experiential learning scenarios related to the field of physical and mental disabilities. This study was conducted to facilitate students’internalization of social work values and principles. Students engaged in service-learning group social work and direct service activities at organizations focusing on visual impairments, intellectual disabilities, and physical disabilities. The core research questions were how service-learning strategies could be effectively incorporated into social work courses that would address disability and how the efficacy and influence of this teaching strategy, as well as its limitations and implications, could be assessed to further enhance teaching planning. Focus groups and content analysis were used as research methodologies, with content analysis applied to students’reflection logs of their service-learning experiences, end-of-term reports, feedback forms, and other assignments. The results indicate that involving the students in group activities and assigning them specific responsibilities on the basis of the type of activity enabled them to change their deep-rooted assumptions and stigmas related to physical and mental disabilities, to develop a stronger learning motivation, to connect macro theory to microlevel practical experience, and to develop their ability to reflect on and critically think about the structural causes of social problems. In addition, by participating in support group activities led by professionals, the students were able to develop the sensitivity, communication, and interaction skills required to lead groups. This study further presents a summary of the conditions and teaching reflections of effective service-learning methods.
起訖頁 79-132
關鍵詞 服務學習教學實踐研究障礙研究身心障礙多元文化經驗service-learningteaching practice researchdisability researchdisabilitymulticultural experiences
刊名 教學實踐與創新  
期數 202406 (7:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 正念融入情緒心理學的教學實踐與省思
該期刊-下一篇 將行動學習應用於建築風水學之教學成效




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