中國造船暨輪機工程學刊 Journal of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers,Republic of China |
200502 (24:1期)期所有篇 |
- 組合式可變螺距複合材料螺槳之結構設計與分析 Structural Design and Analysis of a Replaceable Blade and Adjustable Pitch Composite Marine Propeller
- 水下偵測用電容式超音波換能器的分析與輻射聲場之模擬 The Design and Radiation Pattern Simulation of Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers for Underwater Detecting
- 網路環境之船舶靜水性能與穩度計算系統的開發 Development of a Web-Based Computation System of Ship's Hydrostatic Performance and Stability
- 順滑內模式控制船舶自航器設計與分析 On the Design and Analysis of Sliding Internal Model Control-Based Ship Steering Autopilot
- 炸藥水下爆炸效應之研究 A Study of the Effects of Underwater Explosions
- 模糊控制的穩定條件與其應用:使用LMI方法 Stabilization Conditions of Fuzzy Control and Its Application: Using LMI Approaches