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A Study of the Effects of Underwater Explosions
作者 梁卓中戴毓修劉子豪
由於船艦之抗爆震能力為其在戰場生存之重要條件之一,故本論文乃以炸藥水下爆炸產生之效應為研究對象,首先應用已公開之炸藥水下爆炸實驗數據來驗證Roop [33]、Cole [l]、Aron [34]、Keil [3]、Smith [8]及Mäkinen [16]等人建立之水下爆震波及氣泡半理論半經驗公式之正確性,發現Cole之爆震波半理論半經驗公式較為準確,而前述各學者之氣泡半徑及脈衝時間之計算均甚準確。此外,本論文並同時評估有限單元軟體MSC.Dytran進行炸藥水下爆炸數值模擬之能力,發現有限單元網格之劃分方式及元素數量對計算結果之準確性有相當的影響,當炸藥半徑所涵蓋的第一個元素長度與炸藥半徑越接近時,較能實際模擬炸藥炸藥水下爆炸的實際情況,計算結果也較接近實驗數據。本論文之研究成果希能提供未來船艦結構與裝備及水下建築設施抗爆震分析與設計參考使用。 The underwater detonation of a high condensed explosive produces two pulses that is a shock and then followed by a bubble pulse associated with the expansion of the products of detonation. Much of the present knowledge and understanding of this field was acquired because of the demands and the few available discussions of the subject have become inadequate or obsolete. The research of this paper largely depends on the result of published research on underwater explosions carried out by past literatures such as Roop [33], Cole [1], Aron [34], Keil [3], Smith [8] and Mäkinen [16]. This paper evaluates and proceeds on simulation ability of underwater explosion of MSC.Dytran finite element software. Also in this paper, numerical studies of underwater explosion which includes shock wave and bubble pulse are investigated in details using MSC.Dytran finite element software and compared with existing experimental data and empirical methodologies. When the first element covers of the radius of underwater explosive then it can fit the experimental data. The studies presented in this paper attempt to supply a reasonable comprehensive account, which will be used for workers in the field of underwater explosion and others who are interested in the basic physical processes involved.
起訖頁 39-57
關鍵詞 炸藥水下爆炸爆震波氣泡半理論半經驗公式MSC.DytranUnderwater ExplosionShockBubble PulseEmpirical Methodologies
刊名 中國造船暨輪機工程學刊  
期數 200502 (24:1期)
出版單位 中國造船暨輪機工程師學會
該期刊-上一篇 順滑內模式控制船舶自航器設計與分析
該期刊-下一篇 模糊控制的穩定條件與其應用:使用LMI方法




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