土地經濟年刊 Land Economics Annual Publication |
201707 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 審議制度與聽證制度關係初探--以南鐵東移案與內政部舉行聽證作業要點為例 A Preliminary Study of the Relationship between the Examining System and the Hearing System- Taking the Case of the Hearing of the Tainan Railway Shift to the East and the Ministry of the Interior as an Example
- 光復初期「會社」改為「公司」之歷程探源──兼評地籍清理條例第17-18條妥適性 The revolution of company in Taiwan has been reformed from the club in the Early Revival Period in Taiwan-The Appropriateness of Cadastral Clearance Act Article 17-18
- 科學園區開發流程民眾參與規定之反思 Reflections of Citizen Participation in Taiwan's Science Park Development
- 綠建築價值--供需雙方之認知分析 Green Buildings Value : Cognition from both ends
- 固定資產評價基準解說(土地篇)