大學教學實務與研究學刊 Journalof Teaching Practice and Research on Higher EDucation |
202406 (8:1期)期所有篇 |
- 「敘事治療、休閒促進」漸次融入五專國文教學現場之行動研究――以蘇軾〈赤壁賦〉為例 Action Research on On-Site Teaching with Gradual Integration of“Narrative Therapy and Leisure Promotion”into Su Shi’s“A Visit to the Red Cliff”
- 合作學習法應用於「華語文教材編寫」之課程設計及教學實踐研究 Study on the Curriculum Design and Teaching Practice of Cooperative Learning Methodology in“Studies in Compilation of Chinese Teaching Materials”
- 融入專案實作於績效管理課程之實踐 Integrating Project-Based Practice into Design and Implementation of Performance Management Course
- 以案例教學和角色扮演進行實習生親師溝通增能課程之研究 Parent–Teacher Communication Enhancement Courses Using Case Teaching and Role-Playing for Teacher Interns