政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
202203 (91期)期所有篇 |
- 美國針對性制裁中國大陸廠商的聽眾成本:訊號理論的剖析 Audience Costs, Signaling Theory, and the US Targeted Sanctions against Chinese Companies
- 第二次安倍政權長期穩定執政之研究:以非民意支持導向的政策為焦點 A Study on the Long-term Stability of the Second Abe Administration in Japan: Focussing on Non-responsive Policies
- 析探初任高考公務人員的工作責任、工作生活平衡及人際關係滿意度之影響 Exploring the Impact of Work Responsibilities and Work-Life Balance on the Satisfaction of Interpersonal Relationships of Newly-Recruited Senior Civil Servants