政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
202003 (83期)期所有篇 |
- 大國崛起與絲路烽煙:從隋唐經營西域看權力轉移下崛起國對小國的政策 The Rise of a Great Power and the Silk Road Wars: The Strategic Choice of a Rising China towards the Serindia City-States during the Turks vs. Sui-Tang Power Transition Period
- 伊拉克的「衝突韌性」分析:2018年國會選舉、庫區議會選舉與宗派主義的影響 Analysis on Conflict Resilience in Iraq: The 2018 Parliamentary Elections in the Central Government and Kurdish Regional Governments, and Sectarianism
- 社群媒體時代下政策企業家促進政策變遷之策略研析:臺灣的以核養綠公投為例 Strategies Employed by Policy Entrepreneurs to Promote Policy Change in the Era of Social Media: A Case Study of the “Go Green With Nuclear” Referendum in Taiwan