公平正義的實踐及其困境:比爾‧霍尚維隆的福利國家理論 The Practice of Social Justice and Its Predicament: On Pierre Rosanvallon's Theory of the Welfare State
「民之不牧者,非吾民也」:《管子》「經言」的禮論與《荀子》的禮治論 The Theory of Rituals and Social Norms in the Core Chapters of the "Guanzi" and Its Relationship with the "Xunzi"
選舉式威權政體:選舉競爭度、穩定性與民主化 Electoral Authoritarianism: Electoral Competitiveness, Stability, and Democratization
國民黨國家機器在臺灣的政治秩序起源:白色恐怖中對左翼勢力的整肅(1948-1954) The Kuomintang State Apparatus and the Sources of Its Political Order in Taiwan: The Purging of Leftists during the White Terror (1948-1954)