兩岸經貿開放、認同與投票選擇:2008年與2012年總統選舉的分析 Cross-Strait Economic Openness, Identity, and Vote Choice: An Analysis of the 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections
她們改投給蔡英文嗎?2008-2012年總統大選性別差距的變動 Do Women Transfer Their Votes to Tsai? The Change of Gender Gap from 2008 to 2012 Presidential Election
選民如何看待副總統候選人角色?2012年總統選舉的實證分析 How Important Is the Identity of the Vice Presidential Candidate for Voters? An Analysis of the 2012 Presidential Election in Taiwan
台灣原住民立法委員代表行為之研究:2002-2012之質詢內容分析 Representative Behavior of Indigenous Legislator in Taiwan: A Content Analysis of the Floor Questions between 2002 and 2012
日本政治獻金的規制與侷限:論《政治資金規正法》之沿革與意涵 The Norm of Japanese Political Funds and Its Limit: The Analysis of the Development and Meaning about Japanese Political Funds Control Act