東吳政治學報 Soochow Journal of Political Science |
202108 (39:2期)期所有篇 |
- 選舉干預如何影響外交政策與民主運作?以1946-2000年美蘇的選舉干預為例 How Electoral Intervention Influences the Similarities of Foreign Policy and Democracy:Electoral Intervention of the United States and Russia (the Soviet Union) from 1946-2000
- 司法鎮壓:「揣摩上意」在台灣威權時期軍事審判中的影響 Judicialization of Repression: The Effect of“Second-Guessing”in the Military Trials during the Taiwan Authoritarian Rule
- 中華民國的國家屬性與臺灣的法律地位:兼論大屋頂框架 The Republic of China’s Statehood and Taiwan’s Legal Status: With Advocating a Common Roof Framework