東吳政治學報 Soochow Journal of Political Science |
201912 (37:3期)期所有篇 |
- 日本首相解散眾議院之研究:「七條解散」慣例的形成與分析 The Study of the Japanese Prime Minister's Dissolution of the House of Representatives: The Formation and the Analysis of the 'Article 7 Dissolution'
- 從台灣看東亞:台灣民眾東亞社會評價的空間推論 The Spatial Inference of the Sociotropic Evaluations for East Asia
- 框架公約聯盟與菸草控制框架公約:跨國倡議網絡的個案分析 Framework Convention Alliance and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control : A Transnational Advocacy Network Case Study