東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201606 (34期)期所有篇 |
- 「有意無意之間」──庾敳〈意賦〉之「意」向探討 “Between Intention or Nonintention”: The Study of Meaning Based on Yu-Ai’s “Meaning Ode”(Yi-Fu)
- 謝靈運〈山居賦〉及自注的隱逸思想探究 A Study of Seclusion Thoughts of Xie Lingyun’ Shan Ju Fu with Its Notes
- 柳宗元禮學意識之形成與反思 Consciousness of Propriety by Liu Tsung-yüan
- 度世之金針──《笑得好》對清代社會弊病之批評 Salvation in laughter: Criticism of social issues in the Qing Dynasty expressed by It’s Good to Laugh
- 論中國佛教素食文化起源與演變 On the Chinese Buddhist vegetarian culture origin and evolution
- 虹影《鶴止步》的重寫模式研究 Re-written Traits of Hong Ying’s Novel- The Crane Halts