東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201309 (23期)期所有篇 |
- 由「小大之辯」論莊子逍遙思想 To discuss ZHUANG-ZI’s thinking of enjoyment, being free and unfettered by the difference between the small and the great
- 《世說新語》中支遁形象析論 Shishuo Xinyu in the Zhi Dun, analysis of the Image
- 窮則變,變則通──沈守正《詩經說通》之《詩》學評析研究 Qiong Zie Bian, Bian Zie Tong -The Research about Shijing Ping-Xi of Shen, Shou-Zheng’s Shijingshuotong
- 明代馮復京著述及其《六家詩名物疏》版本著錄考述 On Feng,Fu-jing’s works and it’s version of Lioujiashimingwusu in Ming publicshed
- 《紅樓夢》大觀園的施設意義與其中的成長內涵 The Symbolism and Function of the Grand View Garden in“The Story of Stone” and the Connotation of Awakening
- 彭小妍《斷掌順娘》中女性意志與命運的對照書寫 A Comparative Writing between Female Volition and Destinies of Peng Hsiao-yen’s “Duan Zhang Shun Niang”