東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201106 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 《左傳‧鄭伯克段於鄢》篇章修辭探究 《Annals of Zuo ‧Lord Zheng Conquering Duan in Yan》 Chapter Rhetoric Research
- 論李斯義利觀及其在施政上的反映 Li Si(李斯)in the 'moral and wealth'choice, and in the political of use
- 論「秋胡戲妻」故事中的秋胡形象——以《列女傳》至《秋胡戲妻》為範圍 A Study of Chiu Hu’s Images in Tales about “Chiu Hu Flirted with His Wife”: “Lieh Nu Chuan” to The Yuan Drama “Chiu Hu Flirted with His Wife” as the Survey Area
- 論嵇康養生工夫 The Study of Ji-Kang’s Gongfu Theory of Life-Cultivation
- 李贄與許筠的女性觀 View point on women of Li Zhi and Heo Gyun
- 《從城南走來──林海音傳》敘事特色初探 Come from the South-The Biography of Lin Hai-yin' The analysis of the portraying manners