東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201012 (12期)期所有篇 |
- 杜預《春秋經傳集解》的解經方法 The Method of Interpretation of Du Yu’s Variorum of the'Chuan Chio Zuo Zhuan”
- 李杜齊魯詩作比較研究 Temporary residence and Travel─Analyze the Poetry of Li Bai and Du Fu about Qilu
- 論陳鍾麟《紅樓夢傳奇》之改編特色與意義 Discourse on the Characteristics of Chen Zhonglin’s The Legend of the Dream of the Red Chamber and It’s Significance
- 「萬一禪觀砉然破,美人如玉劍如虹」──龔自珍學佛歷程與佛學思想 龔自珍’s process of being a Buddhist and his Buddhist thought