東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
200906 (6期)期所有篇 |
- 泰山、瑯琊臺刻石與《說文》篆形探析 The discuss of the seal-characters with Taishan stone,Langyetai stone and “Shuo Wun”
- 論庾信表啟文之句法藝術 Discussing the syntactic art of YU, HSIN's piao-chi.
- 「復古求變」與「大雅罪人」──論王世貞《藝苑巵言》詩詞觀之異同 The different concepts between Poem and Ci Poem in Shi-Zhen Wang's “Yi Yuan Zhi Yan”
- 蔣景祁選詞存史的表現及《瑤華集》被禁燬之因初探 A study on the representation of Chiang Ching Chi conserved the history by selecting Tzus and why“Yao Hua Chi”was forbidden
- 一樣阿芳兩代情──談林語堂與林太乙對阿芳的解讀 The same A-Fang,two comments:the reading toward A-Fang from Lin Yutang and Lin Tai-Yi